The Game

Introducing "Unlimited Fight," the inaugural installment of our series. This 3D fighting game redefines immersion, offering players an easily mastered yet deeply engaging combat experience.

Unlimited Fight Ultimate Strike
Unlimited Fight Ultimate Strike
Art Style

The game boasts a compelling art style that seamlessly marries realism with a touch of anime-inspired character design. Immerse yourself in a world where each character showcases a distinctive and unique style.


Showcasing the game's features, it presents an immersive combat system with 2 punch buttons, 2 kick buttons, and dedicated commands for grappling opponents and executing impressive special attacks. Additionally, players can seamlessly run, perform dashes in multiple directions, and unleash a myriad of special attacks and combos using intuitive button combinations.

Unlimited Fight Ultimate Strike

Unlimited Fight Ultimate Strike Unlimited Fight Ultimate Strike Unlimited Fight Ultimate Strike
Unlimited Fight Ultimate Strike Unlimited Fight Ultimate Strike Unlimited Fight Ultimate Strike